Sunday, May 1, 2011


Hello everyone,

I enjoyed today. When we arrived at the airport the line was so long that we had to wait outside to check-in our baggage and get our tickets but I don't think that deterred anyone from the feeling that this was going to be a good trip. The flight went smoothly and the bus ride to Arlington was even better. Once we reached the hotel, we all got our room cards and made our way to our rooms. I must say the rooms were nicer than I expected. After getting accustomed to our room we made our way out to dinner. I tried Chipotle for my first time and it was very good. It kind of reminded me of a place called Moe's that I like back in Florida. We got our metro cards and then Mrs. Abbott and Mr. Bradshaw gave us the rest of the night to ourselves. We went down to the pool and had a blast. I expect tomorrow to be even better.

To all my fans,
Trey Flournoy