Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Washington D.C. Trip Day Three

On day three we visited the FBI Academy, Arlington National Cemetery, and numerous memorials.

We started off at the FBI Academy where we toured the facilities and became exposed to many of the training facilities and buildings used for the academy. The tour was very efficient and informative. I learned a lot about the FBI and how they train new agents. My favorite parts of the FBI Academy were Hogan's Alley and the Behavioral Science Unit. Hogan's Alley because it was a small town built specifically for training new agents. They would schedule activities such as bank robberies and executing search warrant to train agents in real life situations.

Then we visited the Air force Memorial and it was really beautiful. The three part monument was very representative of the ideals of the Air force.

Then we visited Arlington National Cemetery where we spent many hours looking at the grave sites of many of our fallen soldiers or other important figures in American history. I really enjoyed getting to see the changing of on duty guard of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers. The concept behind this tomb is devastating because they had no idea who these people were. The walk was really long, but worth the time that we spent remembering and honoring many important people.

The Korean War Memorial was beautiful as well and helped remember the lives that were lost for the cost of freedom. My favorite part of the monument was a quote inscribed on the wall that said, "Freedom is not free." This statement is so true regarding the losses of the Korean War.

My favorite memorial was the Lincoln Memorial which normally has a beautiful view with the reflecting pool, but it was being worked on. Lincoln is my favorite President and getting to see a memorial in his honor was fantastic.

Overall, the day was really great. We did a lot of walking but seeing the beauty behind the memorials made it all worth it.

Tomorrow is our last day in D.C. and we are visiting the ATF. More to come tomorrow.